_Our name comes from a flower. Mythical, unique
and very special.
Legend has it that a star came to earth, becoming the most beautiful flower that lives where ice and snow sculpt the high mountains.
Leontopodium albinum, known as the snow flower or by the German word “edelweiss” (“Planika” in Slovenian) marked our destiny.
Its German meaning "noble purity" comes from its peculiar nature. The Planika prefers rocky limestone places at around 2,000–3,000 metres, a inhospitable place to find any flower.
The possession of one of them, is a proof of unusual daring.
Like our flower, after going through many challenges, we embarked on our journey as a company, immersed in a difficult and complex context.
According to the Royal Spanish Academy, to “emprender” [undertake] is to start a work, a business or an endeavor, especially if it involves difficulty or danger.
To undertake is to jump into the void and make ideas happen.
It is to bet, to raise your hopes, to be afraid of failure, to grow, to move forward, not stand still, falling, getting up, have uncertainty, wishing that every day was 35 hours long, to savor the achievements and overcome difficulties.
Undertaking is an adventure with lights and shadows but, above all, is the pride of being able to fight in order to build something from scratch and enjoy the process.
This restless attitude of wanting to savor life with adrenaline is what motivated us. Or, maybe, it was always prowling inside us.
This challenge of achieving an epic feat, just like getting the so-longed Planika, is what inspires us and pushes us restlessly to be today better than we were yesterday.

Leontopodium albinum, known as the snow
flower or by the German word
“edelweiss” - “Planika” in Slovenian.

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
/ Vincent Van Gogh /

_We develop our business under a Japanese compendium of ancient wisdom created as a result of business needs that plagued Japan after World War II
It's about eliminating the unnecessary, ordering and focusing on what is necessary, cleaning up anomalies, standardizing processes and continuing to improve with discipline.
[ Tidiness ]
[ Orderliness ]
[ Cleanliness ]
[ Seiri ] Differentiate between necessary and unnecessary elements, ruling out the latter. Selection and discard.
It helps improve production quality and reduce
wasted time.
[ Seiton ] Functional use of things. Sort what is left in a logical way. Where do they best do their job?
How to arrange them intelligently?
[ Seiso ] The importance of a deep cleansing.
Only after having classified and organized in a rational way, we will be able to see the real sources of filth or the hidden faults.
The cleaning is a common factor in every high-productive process and is a task that requires constancy and general collaboration.
[ Standardization ]
[ Seiketsu ] It is understood as the standardization and unification of norms, tools and especially criteria.
Evaluate and continuously repeat the previous three steps.
[ Discipline ]
[ Shitsuke ] To maintain the discipline.
It is also understood as the continuous search of perfection. Its practical application is to reevaluate all the previous processes and re-apply the 5S.
Discipline is a key factor to boost teamwork, synergy and harmony between people. Discipline leads the way that takes us to the formation of habits.
Yes, we know. It's a lot.
We think the brands, from start to finish. From stories to design.